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ACDR Audio Compact Disc Reader
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
Utilisateurs enregistrés
Post(s): 7731
Hors Ligne
Pour ripper des CD, DVD, BD audio

pour Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista

Contribution le : 16/05/2021 18:56
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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Re: ACDR Audio Compact Disc Reader
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
Utilisateurs enregistrés
Post(s): 7731
Hors Ligne
Version 5.2

Added support for writing embedded cover art image meta data. It can write this to ID3v2-tags (.AIFF, .FLAC, .MP2, .MP3, .WAV), APE-tags (.APE, .WV), as well as format specific picture meta data (.FLAC, .OGG, .WMA).
The output options page has a new "Album cover art" section, where you can add an image file (.jpg, .png or .gif). Either select one from disk, or drag and drop a file here, or drag an image from your web browser onto the ACDR window. There's also an option to write a Cover.jpg file in the output folder.
When writing to BWF .WAV format and enabling EBU R.128 normalization, a loudness range value is calculated and added to the BWF chunk (in addition to the loudness value; c.f. EBU tech note 3342).
Added an "Apply capitilization rules" command to the context menu of the input files list. This changes the first letter of every word of the track names to upper-case, except for the following, which are lower-cased: a, an, the, of, to, on, from, in, by, and, or, nor, for, but (unless it is the first word, or following a colon).
The program and the installer executables are now digitally signed for improved security.

Contribution le : 10/07/2022 17:17
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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