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19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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BD3D2MK3D permet de transformer des Blu-ray 3D en 3D MKV côte à côte ou haut & bas (720 ou 1080).
Ce logiciel est équivalent à BDtoAVCHD.
Ce logiciel est uniquement en anglais .
Il utilise des logiciel tiers. Il faut utiliser DVDFab HD Decrypter. Il est portable même s'il utilise de nombreux logiciels tiers.Personnellement je le trouve plus souple que BDtoAVCHD ou on peut s'amuser à modifier de nombreux paramètres pour se faire un MKV 3D aux petits oignons.

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Contribution le : 23/03/2015 11:14
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19/08/2008 20:18
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Le logiciel est rendu à la version 0.84
Citation :
v0.84 (February 6, 2016)
- Added the arguments "--range tv --colormatrix bt709" in the x264 command line.
- Added Help -> Why no Crop option?
- Implemented the BlockSleep method to prevent the computer from going to sleep during an encoding. Thanks Slavanap!
- Since BlockSleep will remain active as long as the command prompt window is open, the "When encoding is finished" option in tab 5 is now saved with the settings.
- Added 4 "From BD" buttons in tab 4 to get the cover art images from the metadata of the current BD.
- Since the black frames bug with DGMVCSource has been fixed, DGMVCSource is now the default MVC decoder again.
- Updated DGMVCDecode.dll to the latest version Thanks Donald!
- Updated the Intel library libmfxsw32.dll to the latest version (from INDE 2016)

Contribution le : 07/02/2016 17:39
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19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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Citation :
v0.85 (February 20, 2016)
- Added Search Wikipedia for Title and Search Google Images for Title in the Web menu of tab 3.
- Added the possibility to define a custom search engine for the Web menu of tab 3.
- Added Settings -> Chapters -> Include Dummy Chapter Near End of Movie to remove the last chapter at less than 5 seconds before the end of the movie.
- Added Help -> Version History to consult the BD3D2MK3D version history online.
- The tools menu has been split, with the subtitle tools in their own menu.
- Small cosmetic changes.
- It is now possible to encode the AVS script with any GUI thanks to the LoadHelper plugin. Thanks Slavanap!
- Bug introduced in v0.84: _ENCODE_2D_LAUNCHER.cmd launched __ENCODE_3D.cmd instead of the 2D version.
- Little bug: The palette analysis was skipped when converting XML/PNG subtitles not generated with BDSup2Sub to VobSub.
- Changed the web address to download x265 (because Snowfag doesn't compile 32-bit versions any more).
- Updated x264 to v0.148.2665 and x265 to v1.9+3

Contribution le : 02/03/2016 11:21
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19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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Il évolue toujours et maintenant supporte les blu-ray 3D rippés avec makemkv

Citation :
v0.88 (April 16, 2016)
- When the option to convert the audio streams to AAC is selected in tab 2, all audio tracks are now converted, instead of only the DTS and LPCM tracks.
- The extension .dtshdma for the demuxed DTS-HD-MA tracks was wrong. It is now .dtsma as it should for eac3to.
- The option to keep only the core of HD audio tracks in tab 2 is now removed when a 3D-MKV created by MakeMKV is the source.
- It is not possible any more to use the bad and useless E-AC3 (DD+) audio tracks created by MakeMKV (with only 4 channels)
- The labels of the DTS-HD/MA audio tracks in the final MKV show now the number of channels for the HD and the core (like 7.1/5.1)
- The labels of the audio tracks converted to AAC show now also the Quality value that has been used to do the conversion.
- Small cosmetic changes.
- Bug fix in Convert SRT to ASS 3D: The first subtitle was sometimes missing when the input file is encoded in UTF-8/16.
- Bug fix in Convert SRT to ASS 3D: The 2-lines subtitles were not properly converted as one long line with \N.
- Bug fix: Some tools crached when trying to open a file or folder if no BD or MKV was loaded first.
- Updated x264 to the latest version (0.148.2692)

Contribution le : 16/04/2016 19:58
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19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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Citation :
v0.90 (June 8, 2016)
- Added the possibility to select the colour depth (8, 10 or 12-bit) of the final video in the last tab.
- Added 2 procedures in the context menu of the MPLS list in tab 1 to sort the playlists by MPLS or by M2TS/SSIF number(s)
- Added 4 procedures in the context menu of the MPLS list in tab 1 to easily remove the MPLS that do not contain the movie. (Useful mainly for protected BDs.)
- Added the URL to download the x265 builds by LigH in Help -> x265 version. (Thanks LoRd_MuldeR!)
- Bug fixed again in Convert SRT to ASS 3D: The first subtitle was sometimes missing when the input file is encoded in UTF-8/16.
- Bug fixed in Convert SRT to ASS 3D: The vertical positions of the subtitles was wrong when using a guide file.
- Updated MkvToolnix executables to the latest version (v9.2.0)
- Due to the new colour depth option, the file names of the x264 and x265 executables in the toolset folder have changed.

Citation :
v0.91 (June 21, 2016)
- Added the option Full-SBS/T&B aspect ratio -> Use SAR 1:1 for all modes to go back to the SAR 2:1 or 1:2 for Full-SBS and T&B.
- Added an option in the last tab to save the final MKV in the source folder (available only in 3D MKV input mode)
- Workaround for a tsMuxeR bug when opening a 3D-MVC MKV file with dots in the file name.
- Fix: Help -> x264 Version and Help -> x265 Version were broken in v0.90.
- Updated the x265 binaries to the latest version (v1.9+200)

Citation :
v0.93 (July 19, 2016)
- Improved the functions available with the context menu in the Actors (and characters) field of tab 3.
- Modified the Help message about the DTS decoder, because ArcSoft is not the best choice any more.
- Fix: The encoding should not crash any more when the subtitles to hardcode on the video cannot be generated.
- Updated the MkvToolnix exes to the latest version (v9.3.1 "Mask Machine")
- Updated the x264 exes to the latest version (v0.148.2705)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest version (v2.0+2)

Citation :
v0.94 (September 17, 2016)
- Fix: BDSup2Sub crash when the language code of the stream to convert is "und" or "un" (undefined).
- Fix: Subtitles not converted to 3D when the language code is not known by BDSup2Sub.
- Fix: The wrong error messages about renaming subtitle files in the BD3D2MK3D log have been removed.
- Fix: Workaround for a bug in ImageMagick when converting an image from sRGB JPEG to PNG.
- Updated the MkvToolnix exes to the latest version (v9.4.2)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest versions (2.0+55 or 2.0+54)

Citation :
v0.95 (November 20, 2016)
- Added File -> Explore 2D Content of 3DBD to display and preview the 2D MPLS files of the current BD
- SRT to ASS 3D: Fixed: The subtitle of the right view in Half-SBS was sometimes off by 1 pixel
- SRT to ASS 3D: Changed the SecondaryColor from yellow &H0380F0F0 to pure black &H00000000
- SRT to ASS 3D: Changed the font style name "Default" to "3D"
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v9.5.0)
- Updated the x264 exes to the latest version (0.148.2721)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest version (2.1+36)

Contribution le : 22/11/2016 17:32
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19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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Citation :
v0.96 (November 22, 2016)
- The playlists without audio are not displayed in the GUI any more (unless the "Show all 3D playlists" option is ticked)
- Added the option Generate 3D Subtitles Anyway to force BD3D2MK3D to generate Half-SBS/T&B subtitles even in Full-SBS/T&B format
- Added two context menus in the new Explore 2D Content window
- Fix: Bug when comparing playlists to remove duplicates if a 3D playlist has no 3D-Planes

Citation :
v0.97 (January 8, 2017)
- Minor cosmetic changes
- Fix: The bitrate in the labels of the stereo audio tracks was wrong
- Updated DGMVCSource to the latest version (1.0.0 b25)
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v9.6.1)
- Updated the x264 exes to the latest version (v0.148.2744)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest version (2.2+22)

Citation :
v0.98 (January 10, 2017)
- Bug introduced in v0.97: DGMVCSource crashed due to its new syntax of the hw/mode parameter

Citation :
v0.99 (February 28, 2017)
- Bug fix: The filter of the MPLS files to show crashed when comparing the number of 3D-Planes of two MPLS if one of them has no 3D-Plane.
- Added Settings -> MVC Decoder -> Hardware acceleration -> Online list of Intel CPUs supporting QuickSync (hardware acceleration for MVC decoding)
- Improved the paste operations (Control-V) in tab 3: Title & tags, when there are several lines in the clipboard.
- The BD3D2MK3D.log file is now included as an attachment in the final MKV file.
- Tools -> Chapters File Converter can now also load basic files with one timecode per line (tsMuxeR format)
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v9.9.0)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest version (v2.3+7 or v2.3+9)

Contribution le : 28/02/2017 17:14
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Re: BD3D2MK3D 1.10
19/08/2008 20:18
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Post(s): 547
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Dernière version 1.10, sa passe. Je suis un peu à la bourre sur ce coup là.

Citation :
v1.0 (April 19, 2017)
- The 2D Playlists window is now closed when the main job starts
- Fixed the bug when pasting in Actors field of the Title & Tags tab: An additional \n was added
- Small improvements in the Title & Tags tab.
- Bug in Chapters file converter: The decimal part of the time code was sometimes wrong when converting from a Matroska XML chapter file. Thanks Frank!
- Updated ImageMagick's convert.exe to the latest version (v7.0.5-4)
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v10.0.0)
- Updated libdcadec.dll (part of eac3to) to the latest version (v0.2.0)
- Updated the x265 exes to the latest version (v2.3+32)

Citation :
v1.1 (July 13, 2017)
- Added Cinavia detection by right-clicking on an audio track in tab 2. See also the Help -> Cinavia Detection menu.
- Tools -> Convert Audio: Added the possibility to specify a positive or negative gain.
- Convert SRT to ASS 3D: Added the percentage of the margin height in the analysis of the guide file (useful for SubtitleEdit)
- Added Help -> BDSup2Sub (Java) Version.
- Fix: The list of MPLS files of the Preview M2TS menu was sometimes wrong for multi-angle movies
- Fix: Some typos.
- Updated the MkvToolnix exes to the latest version (v13.0.0)
- Updated x264 to the latest version (v0.152.2851)
- Updated x265 to the latest version (v2.4+36)
- Updated the Intel Media SDK (libmfxsw32.dll) to the latest version (v7.17.4.21, 2017)
- FRIMSource v1.27 has NOT been updated yet, due to a possible bug. See the BD3D2MK3D and FRIM threads at Doom9 for more info.

Citation :
v1.2 (October 7, 2017)
- Updated FRIMSource to the latest version (v1.27). It should work correctly. Let me know if you experience crashes.
- FRIMSource is now the default MVC decoder.
- Removed the LoadHelper() trick and added the full paths in the LoadPlugin() commands for compatibility with some Avisynth forks.
- Added tab 3 -> Web -> Search TCM for title.
- Adapted to the new distribution of x265 as a single exe file instead of the previous 3 exes (one for each color depth).
- Fix: Workaround for the wrong character encoding of the AVS and CMD scripts.
- Fix: The path to java.exe was not correctly detected in some circumstances.
- Fix: Some typos.
- Updated x265 to the latest version (v2.5+8)
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v16.0.0)

Citation :
v1.3 (November 23, 2017)
- Added the possibility to convert the audio streams to Dolby ProLogic II or to Stereo (in addition to AC3 and AAC).
- Subtitle Tools -> Convert SRT to ASS 3D (SRTtoASS3D.tcl) updated to v0.5, with some improvements and a possible bug fixed (see here)
- The warnings about Full SBS/T&B, x265, 10 or 12-bit color depth etc... are not displayed any more when the program starts.
- Changed the download link for x264 and x265 to VideoHelp.
- Updated the mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v18.0.0)
- Restored x265 to the latest stable version (v2.5+5)

Citation :
v1.4 (November 25, 2017)
- Fix: Crash when creating a project from a MKV (due to changes in the output of MkvInfo v18.0)

Citation :
v1.5 (January 15, 2018)
- BD3D2MK3D uses now an "universal" method to convert the subtitles to 3D or DVD SUB, that should hopefully work well in all cases. As a consequence, it is not possible any more to select the preferred version of BDSup2Sub, as the Java or C++ version is used automatically when appropriate.
- New Subtitle tool: Combine Multiple PDS/ODS definitions, used to merge the multiple subtitles (and used internally by the new universal conversion method). See help for more info.
- When a 2D BD Sup subtitle file is muxed in the final MKV, the original Sup extracted from the BD is now used instead of the converted .2D.sup file, to avoid the bugs of BDSup2Sub.
- The audio conversion and the logic used to build the labels of the audio tracks in the final MKV have been rewritten completely and improved. This fixes several bugs introduced with the conversion to Pro-Logic and Stereo in v1.3.
- Updated eac3to and its associated libraries to the latest version (v3.34)
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (v19.0.0)
- Updated tsMuxeR to the latest version (v2.6.11)

Citation :
v1.6 (January 25, 2018)
- Added the possibility to move the subtitles only along the X or Y axis only in Subtitle Tools -> Clone Subtitle Positions
- Added a warning in the dialog explaining the various ways to decrypt a commercial 3DBD about the MakeMKV bug with forced subtitles streams extracted from some BDs (notably Avatar 3D)
- Improved the way the Java installation is detected and the message in case of improper installation (due to frequent problems caused by the Java installer!)
- Fix: Wrong palette colors for the conversion of the subtitles to DVD SUB (Bug introduced in v1.5)
- The MKVToolnix exes have NOT been updated and will not be updated any more to the latest version (v20+) as the new versions are not compatible with BD3D2MK3D any more!

Citation :
v1.7 (April 24, 2018)
- Adapted the format of the _MUX_*_OPTIONS files to the new JSON input format necessary for MkvMerge v21+.
- Adapted the way the informations are retrieved from the input MKV due to the new JSON output of MkvInfo v21+.
- Bug introduced in v1.5: The complete 2D subtitle stream was muxed instead of the forced-only stream.
- Fix for new tool Combine two XMP/PNG Streams Together: The values in the <Description> section of the XML were sometimes wrong
- Added the option "Attach some project files as doc" to enable or disable the attachments in the final MKV.
- Added Tools -> Check an audio file for Cinavia (Requires CinDe.exe. See the Help menu.)
- Updated the MkvToolnix exes to the latest version (v22). ATTENTION: BD3D2MK3D REQUIRES now MkvMerge v21 or greater!
- Updated x264 to the latest version (v0.155.2901). x264 is now the same exe for 8 and 10-bit colour depth encoding.
- Updated x265 to the latest version (2.7+3)

Citation :
v1.8 (October 25, 2018)
- Changed the (wrong) link to BDSup2Sub++ in Info -> BDSup2Sub++ Version.
- Added the layout parameter to the FRIMSource avisynth syntax, to possibly fix some random crashes of the decoder.
- Fixed Avisynth version in Help -> About, from 1.5 to 1.6
- Attempt to fix a bug with free disc space wrongly reported as 0 KB.
- Updated x264 to the latest version (0.157.2935)
- Updated x265 to the latest version (2.9+2)
- Updated the MkvToolnix exes to the latest version (28.1.0)

Citation :
v1.9 (May 5, 2019)
- Workaround for the libDcaDec error when converting audio from DTS-HD/MA due to a change in numbers of channels. (Fix for Incredibles 2)
- When available, the alias of the Power Plans set before and restored after the encoding is now used instead of the GUID. Thanks Frank!
- Little bugs fixed
- Updated the FRIMSource MVC decoder to the bugfix version 1.29_20190406. Thanks konikpolny!
- Updated x264 to the latest version (0.157.2969)
- Updated x265 to the latest version (3.0_Au8)
- Updated Mkvtoolnix to the latest version (33.1.0 'Primrose')

Citation :
v1.10 (August 7, 2019)
- Fix: It was not possible to reply to the dialog appearing after a tsMuxeR demux error if the error message was too long.
- Fix: When the x264 settings in tab 5 were set to encode in 2-pass or ABR, and the encoding was made with x265 in CRF or CQ mode, the "bitrate" variable was not initialized, causing a crash.
- Fix: SRT to ASS 3D conversion: bad X placement when converting the subtitles to 3D with the margins option
- SRT to ASS 3D conversion: Added the possibility to provide a fixed Y placement when using a guide (optionally only for the subtitles in the lower half of the screen)
- Updated x264 to the latest version (0.158.2984)
- Updated x265 to the latest stable version (3.1.2)
- Updated Mkvtoolnix to the latest version (35.0.0 'All The Love In The World')

Contribution le : 11/08/2019 11:17
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Re: BD3D2MK3D 1.17
19/08/2008 20:18
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Actuellement en version 1.17

Citation :
v1.11 (August 28, 2019)
- Fix: Hopefully definitively fixed the bug of the uninitialized bitrate variable
- Updated BDSup2Sub++.exe to the latest version (1.0.3) and modified the link to the BDSup2Sub++ home in the Help menu
- Updated the Mkvtoolnix exes to the latest version (37.0.0 'Leave It')

Citation :
v1.12beta2 (September 5, 2019)
- Support for AviSynth+ 32 and 64-bit. It is strongly recommended to install AviSynth+ 64-bit !
- Added the 64-bit version of the AviSynth filters necessary for the conversion to 3D (in toolset\plugins64bit)
- Replaced the old VSFilter 32-bit avisynth plugin with the new and much faster version from the xy-VSFilter Project
- DGMVCSource is now the default MVC decoder again because its 64-bit version is faster than FRIMSource
- Replaced Avs2YUV 0.24 (32-bit) with Avs2YUV 0.24bm2, and added Avs2YUV 64-bit 0.24bm2 (necessary to use AviSynth+ 64-bit with x265 64-bit)
- The Avisynth version is now detected with AVSVersion32/64.exe (Thanks tebasuna51!) and the Help -> Avisynth Version menu has been redesigned.

v1.12 (September 11, 2019)
- Changed the URL to the AviSynth+ download location to

Citation :
v1.13 (September 16, 2019)
- Added the possibility to encode the 3D movie with any encoder by providing yourself the command line to use.

Citation :
v1.14 (September 29, 2019)
- Fixed the bug introduced in v1.12: The AVS script was generated for AviSynth 64-bit when no 64-bit version of AviSynth was installed.

Citation :
v1.15 (October 6, 2019)
- Important bug introduced in v1.12 fixed: The option of the Settings -> AVC/HEVC Encoder to encode in HEVC with x265 did not change the encoder.
- Renamed the __CUSTOM_* files generated when the user has defined a custom encoding command to _CUSTOM_* (with only a single leading "_") so that they appear in the directory after the regular files to encode with x264 or x265.

Citation :
v1.16 (October 21, 2019)
- Workaround for a crash of AVSVersion**.exe when Avisynth is not properly installed that prevented BD3D2MK3D to start.
- Added Subtitle Tools -> Move XML/PNG Subtitles Vertically, to allow you to easily move your subtitles in the black bar of a Cinemascope movie or align them with another subtitle stream.

Citation :

v1.17 (October 23, 2019)
- Fixed the bug of the audio delays not taken into account when using a MKV file make with MkvMerge as input.
- Added some definitions specific to UHD BD so that the option to show the 2D content the BD works with an UHD BD.
- Updated x265 to the latest stable version (v3.2+5)
- Updated Mkvtoolnix to the latest version (v38.0.0 'The Silent Type')

Contribution le : 24/10/2019 11:16
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Re: BD3D2MK3D 1.19
19/08/2008 20:18
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Citation :
v1.18 (December 24, 2019)
- Added Subtitle Tools -> Crop Transparent XML/PNG Background to remove the useless invisible parts of a XML/PNG subtitle stream. This may be necessary fo convert full-width subtitles to 3D.
- The --alpha-crop 0 argument has been added to all BDSup2Sub command lines so that it will not crop the transparent background of the XML/PNG streams any more, except when necessary.
- The Verify 3D-planes Compatibility subtitle tool has been improved to include a global score indicating roughly the compatibility of each 3D-Plane with the analysed subtitle stream.
- The presence of all required files in the toolset folder is now verified at startup, as some antivirus software may quarantine some exe files due to false positive.
- Fix: eac3to crash when an AC3+ audio stream is converted to stereo.
- Workaround for a possible bug when checking for M$ .NET v4 on some systems.
- Little bug fixed: The _POSTPROCESS_2D.cmd file was not executed after a 2D encoding due to a typo in the filename.
- Updated x264 to the latest version (v0.159.2991)
- Updated mkvtoolnix to the latest version (v41.0.0 "Samarra")
- Updated the Intel library libmfxsw32.dll to version
- DGMVCDecode is now withdrawn and has been removed. It was useless anyway, and baby is happy.

Citation :
v1.19 (January 1, 2020)
- The home of BD3D2MK3D has changed and is now
- The support thread at Doom9 is now
- There is a new support thread at VideoHelp here: ... 3D-SBS-T...Support-thread

Contribution le : 19/01/2020 17:25
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Re: BD3D2MK3D 1.22
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
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v1.22 (January 2, 2021)
- Added an option to use the even/odd lines for the left and right views to encode in Half-T&B mode for a LG 3DTV, while retaining the full 1080p resolution. (Thx Muf!)
- Updated x265 to the latest version (v3.4+35)

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Contribution le : 03/08/2021 21:57
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