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chris tv online 4 FREEWARE
04/07/2009 20:35
Utilisateurs enregistrés
Post(s): 1
Hors Ligne
Chris tv online 4 Free

Logiciel pour regarder des web tv

La version gratuite est pour un usage non commercial

Limitations :

- pas de fonction d'enregistrement

Contribution le : 04/07/2009 20:45
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Re: chris tv online 4 FREEWARE
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
Utilisateurs enregistrés
Post(s): 7582
Hors Ligne
Cette version n'est pas gratuite.

La version gratuite est celle-ci

[ ChrisTV Lite 5.35 ]
Freeware Software for Non-Commercial Use

Adresse du site

Contribution le : 05/07/2009 09:43
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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Re: chris tv online 4 FREEWARE
05/02/2008 21:40
Utilisateurs enregistrés
Post(s): 3
Hors Ligne
Ce truc contient une cochonceté...

Citation :
In order to provide this free download, RelevantKnowledge software, provided by TMRG, Inc., a comScore, Inc. company, is included in this download. This software allows millions of participants in an online market research community to voice their opinions by allowing their online browsing and purchasing behavior to be monitored, collected, aggregated, and once anonymized, used to generate market reports which our clients use to understand Internet trends and patterns and other market research purposes. The information which is monitored and collected includes internet usage information, basic demographic information, certain hardware, software, computer configuration and application usage information about the computer on which you install RelevantKnowledge. We may use the information that we monitor, such as name and address, to better understand your household demographics; for example, we may combine the information that you provide us with additional information from consumer data brokers and other data sources in accordance with our privacy policy. We make commercially viable efforts to automatically filter confidential personally identifiable information and to purge our databases of such information about our panelists when inadvertently collected. By clicking Accept, you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older, an authorized user of this computer, and that you have read, agreed to, and have obtained the consent to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Statement and User License Agreement from anyone who will be using the computer on which you install this application.

Contribution le : 05/07/2009 10:00
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