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Re: Jabut
Semi pro
05/06/2010 19:28
De Armor
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Post(s): 335
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Jabut est analogue dans sa philosophie (liste de scénarii (profils) à créer pour des traitements manuels et/ou automatiques) à SyncbackFree (présent sur Gratilog) ou à SynchroDossiers, portable, que j'utilise pour mes sauvegardes et synchronisations, jamais automatiques par sécurité, entre mes PCs.
Bonne journée

Contribution le : 11/03 10:08:29
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Re: Jabut
10/08/2022 19:14
De France
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Post(s): 3135
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Version 2024.03.39010 du 10 mars 2024

Contribution le : 11/03 09:58:22
Le monde déteste le changement, c’est pourtant
la seule chose qui lui a permis de progresser.
Charles F. Kettering

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Re: Dezor Browser - VPN + adblock
06/09/2017 10:02
De China
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Post(s): 1127
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Il est facile d'utiliser Universal Extractor, tous les fichiers sont dans app-64.7z.

Supprimer resources\elevate.exe, plus de mise à jour automatique.

Portable Dezor 1.3.2

J’utilise le site d’actualités Dezor, et il bloque parfaitement les publicités.
La plupart des gens l’utilisent pour un site vidéo sans publicité.

Contribution le : 10/03 18:25:57
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Re: Uninstalr
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
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Post(s): 7586
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Version 2.2

Improvement: Greatly improved the program’s ability to detect portable apps.

Improvement: The scan and analysis of installed apps is now a lot faster, especially in systems with a lot of installed apps. For example, in one test systems with over 500 installed apps, the previous version 2.1 takes 167 seconds to analyze the installed apps and the new version 2.2 takes only 125 seconds.
Improvement: Added an option to alter the way how multiple apps can be selected from the list. The alternative method works based on Ctrl+Click.
Improvement: Added an option to disable all additional warnings and confirmations about uninstalling apps. If you know what you are doing, you no longer need to see any of those warning messages.
Improvement: Comes with updated Dutch, French, German and Swedish translations. If you want to improve the translation of the program in your language, please download this file:, open the translation file of your language with any text editor such as Notepad++, locate the [custom_strings_uninstaller] section and edit any poorly translated texts from there. After you are done, you can send the updated file to me via TranslationsSupport and it will be included to the next released version of the program.
Improvement: The program is now better in detecting the installed version of apps.
Improvement: The program can now find the icon of installed apps better.
Improvement: The installed apps list now show better tooltips with more information.
Improvement: Overall improvements to the accuracy of detecting data from the installed apps.

Fix: The program can fail to detect the installation of some programs, for example PopTrayU.
Fix: If attempting to uninstall a Microsoft app, such as Office, the additional warning message would list every other Microsoft app from the system and warned you that uninstalling one could affect the rest.
Fix: Fixed a few typos from the English user interface.
Fix: Changing the sorting of the installed apps list sometimes failed to work, especially if you tried to sort it by changing the sort setting very rapidly.
Fix: The bottom of the Windows desktop can show a partially visible minimized window during uninstalling some software.
Fix: Changing the UI font size from Settings didn’t update the UI while the setting was adjusted, and changing the setting but then closing the settings view without saving still applied the new font setting.

Known Issues:
1) Bug: Settings view doesn't look great in different app window sizes and screen resolutions, sometimes some of the texts are cut off or overlapping.
2) The program is not fully compatible with screen reader software.
3) Bug: The program can crash with "Out of Memory" or "Access Violation" error message on some specific systems. Usually in systems that have a lot of installed apps. I have had about ten people reporting this issue, but so far I have not been able to reproduce it and therefore fixing it has been challenging. If you are experiencing this issue and you are willing to run a special debug version that would generate a debug log for me to analyze the problem, please contact me via

Contribution le : 09/03 17:31:51
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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Bill2's Shortcuts Launcher
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
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Post(s): 7586
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Par l'éditeur de Bill2's Process Manager, Bill2's Shortcuts Launcher permet de retrouver une barre d'outils sous Windows 11

Un seul exe à lancer, en français. Pour créer les raccourcis vers les programmes que vous souhaitez.

Contribution le : 09/03 14:15:51
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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Re: LocalSend
21/02/2007 18:47
De France
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Post(s): 7586
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Contribution le : 09/03 14:09:36
Win 11 pro 64-bit - Firefox - Thunderbird
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Re: Picview
10/08/2022 19:14
De France
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Post(s): 3135
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Contribution le : 08/03 15:28:53
Le monde déteste le changement, c’est pourtant
la seule chose qui lui a permis de progresser.
Charles F. Kettering

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Re: Free Video Cutter Joiner (Fr)
10/08/2022 19:14
De France
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Post(s): 3135
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Contribution le : 08/03 10:18:42
Le monde déteste le changement, c’est pourtant
la seule chose qui lui a permis de progresser.
Charles F. Kettering

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Re: OpenCloseDriveEject #
10/08/2022 19:14
De France
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Post(s): 3135
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Un programme à remettre au goût du jour, compte tenu de ses options intérrssantes.
Version 3.24 du 7 mars 2024

"Contrairement à d'autres programmes Freeware qui n'ont qu'une fonction partielle dans cette tâche souvent nécessaire, vous trouverez tout sous un même toit, supprimer les lecteurs en toute sécurité et ouvrir les lecteurs DVD, Blue-Ray sera une tâche régulière et facile, comme Microsoft l'a fourni pour tous les OS Windows. Ici, vous pouvez toujours ouvrir les lecteurs en relation avec le nom du lecteur directement, ce qui peut être très coûteux en temps avec les ressources embarquées normales de Windows jusqu'à ce que vous reconnaissiez quel lecteur se trouve sur la partition appropriée."

Contribution le : 07/03 14:12:10
Le monde déteste le changement, c’est pourtant
la seule chose qui lui a permis de progresser.
Charles F. Kettering

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Re: Supermium 115.0
06/09/2017 10:02
De China
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Post(s): 1127
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Contribution le : 05/03 18:01:26
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