re : Avast anti-virus

Publié par Sylvie le 24/04/2006 20:24:30
voici les mises à jour :

pour un antivirus il vaut mieux toujours avoir la dernière version. Je l'ai mise sur mes ordis...

# Standard Shield: by default, system DLLs are not scanned anymore (speed optimization)
# further improved Standard Shield speed under Windows XP (generally, less files are scanned)
# Standard Shield: improved compatibility with Microsoft Office (particularly, saving of Excel documents on network shares)
# mail scanner now doesn't show Timeout Expired messages; the program was modified so that the respective timeout can be controlled by the mail client itself
# mail scanner: solved problem with the mail client reporting expired timeouts when sending larger emails via slow connectections
# mail scanner: fixed problem with delays during IP address reverse-lookup
# mail scanner: fixed displaying of tray icon
# P2P Shield: added support for Winny2 and Google Talk
# Web Shield: improved compatibility with Win9x
# transition to new data storage - avast does not need the ODBC/Jet drivers anymore and should therefore work better even under older versions of Windows (95/98/ME, NT4)
# fixed a bug in the Script Blocker module that was causing conflicts with some programs under non-English Windows (e.g. the German invoice system Lexware)
# added support for additional executable packers (e.g. MoleBox)
# fixed a bug that was sometimes causing very slow scanning of CAB archives
# boot-time scanner: added support for additional archives (GZ, BZIP2, TAR, LHARC, ZOO)
# improved handling of infected files with exotic filenames
# solved a problem with setting of incorrect access rights to the avast executable files
# removed a limit of maximal length of winpopup alerts (used to be 128 characters)
# Enhanced User Interface: infected items are now marked as red
# implemented new method of deleting of locked infected files (now using the boot-time scanner technology)
# this new version is now compatible with the Windows Disk Protection feature from Microsoft Shared Computing Toolkit. For more information, please refer to the FAQ section

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