Publié par mec_sympa le 02/03/2016 11:21:30
Citation :
v0.85 (February 20, 2016)
- Added Search Wikipedia for Title and Search Google Images for Title in the Web menu of tab 3.
- Added the possibility to define a custom search engine for the Web menu of tab 3.
- Added Settings -> Chapters -> Include Dummy Chapter Near End of Movie to remove the last chapter at less than 5 seconds before the end of the movie.
- Added Help -> Version History to consult the BD3D2MK3D version history online.
- The tools menu has been split, with the subtitle tools in their own menu.
- Small cosmetic changes.
- It is now possible to encode the AVS script with any GUI thanks to the LoadHelper plugin. Thanks Slavanap!
- Bug introduced in v0.84: _ENCODE_2D_LAUNCHER.cmd launched __ENCODE_3D.cmd instead of the 2D version.
- Little bug: The palette analysis was skipped when converting XML/PNG subtitles not generated with BDSup2Sub to VobSub.
- Changed the web address to download x265 (because Snowfag doesn't compile 32-bit versions any more).
- Updated x264 to v0.148.2665 and x265 to v1.9+3

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