BullZip PDF Printer -->

Publié par gothax le 19/01/2010 08:10:17
Mise à jour de BullZip PDF Printer en version

Changelog :
* New wipemethod=3pass setting is now supported to do a 3 pass wipe of temporary files created during PDF or image creation.
* Settings RunOnSuccess, RunOnSuccessDir, RunOnError, RunOnErrorDir, AfterPrintProgram, AfterPrintProgramDir and StatusFile now support macro substitution.
* Fix for reading Unicode postscript properties written using octal numbers on Windows 2000.
* Fix for missing text on buttons on Windows 2000.
* Fix for selecting the correct file extension when using the Save As dialog.
* Problem where the installer reported "Not implemented" has been fixed.
* Updated translations (Croatian, Hebrew, Thai, Turkish, Romanian, Greek).

Cette contribution était de : http://www.gratilog.net/xoops/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=7&topic_id=3892&post_id=121209