Take Ownership: 2 gratuitiels portables

Publié par Washington le 24/01/2016 20:25:03
1) NTFS Access 2.4

NTFS Access can: set folder/file owner, set full access rights to a given folder/file, give permissions recursively.


2) Grant Admin Full Control v3.0

It helps user to gain ownership of files and folders which are restricted to the users or damaged file attributes for the ownership. Taking ownership of files or folders are easily accessible from the windows context menu of file or more easily possible to drag the file or folder to the program. Grant Access 3.0 requires administrator privileges to run.


Testé avec:

Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit,
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 1511 OS Build 10586.36,
et Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB 64-bit.

Cette contribution était de : http://www.gratilog.net/xoops/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=2&topic_id=12781&post_id=170543