Re: BASIC-256

Publié par ribotb le 18/06/2014 12:03:53
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Tof81 a écrit:
@ didpoy et ribotb : avez-vous tenter d'envoyer un mail à l'auteur pour lui faire par de cette lacune ?


Salit Tof,

J'ai fait une recherche sur le forum Basic-256. Quelqu'un a posé la question et voici la réponse :

Citation :
The way that BASIC256 is written (using the QT tool kit for graphics and many dependent libraries for sound and TTS) will make it difficult to compile the BASIC256 code into a stand alone EXE file. BASIC256 compiles into a intermediary byte code that is then executed by an interpreter. I have been asked this once before over the years and I do not see a real advantage, given what BASIC256 was originally designed for. Remember this is an educational and cross platform (win/lin/mac) environment. If creating stand alone applications is desired then look at many of the other great (but more complex) languages (c, c++, vb, python...),

Bon, ben...


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