Re: CCEnhancer 1.5 beta

Publié par Sylvie le 29/10/2010 17:21:42
solutions trouvées chez l'auteur du logiciel

Solution #1:
CCleaner Enhancer requires administrator privledges to use. You must use the “Run As Administrator” function if running Windows 7/Windows Vista.

Solution #2:
CCleaner Enhancer attempts to access the registry on startup to determine where CCleaner is installed. Many anti-virus programs find this behavious undesirable so they silently block it, causing CCleaner Enhancer to crash on startup. Try adding it to your anti-virus products exception or “safe” list.

Solution #3:
You may not have the correct version of the .NET framework installed, or the framework could be corrupt or damaged (happens more often than you would think). CCleaner Enhancer required .NET 3.5 which can be downloaded from here.

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