
Publié par Sylvie le 16/02/2010 22:36:16
Une nouvelle version de Mempad vient de sortir : 3.40
Il fonctionne sans installation sur Win 7 sans problème.

Version 3.40 - 16 February 2010
New index sort: sorting siblings (nodes on same level with current node)
Index menu; Alt F12: sort ascending, Alt+Shift F12: descending
Seach window remains active (unless string found in index)
New: Language support for user interface; see file: languages\~languages.txt
New: Main menu: MemPad / Language (changing language requires restart)
Hotkey assignment handling (window) changed
Search window a little larger to handle different languages
INI file tweak: TextMargin (see Help: Tweaks)
Bugfix: empty page somtimes showed previously viewed page
Bugfix: Launching issue if not full path supplied
Bugfix: aborting node background color selection
Bugfix: refresh issue when replacing with nothing
Window position also saved, if window not visible when MemPad closed

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