Memory cleaner

Publié par Sylvie le 14/07/2009 22:28:09
Pour XP/2003/Vista/2008/7, pour mieux gérer la mémoire du système et en regagner en cas de besoin :

Image originale

Il affiche l'usage de la mémoire virtuelle (mini, maxi et moyenne).
Il efface le cache et il fait du ménage dans le working set des processus (je n'ai pas trouvé le nom exact en français )

Désolé pour l'anglais mais je trouve les explications intéressantes :

Ce que dit le MSDN:
The working set of a program is a collection of those pages in its virtual address space that have been recently referenced. It includes both shared and private data. The shared data includes pages that contain all instructions your application executes, including those in your DLLs and the system DLLs. As the working set size increases, memory demand increases.

Ce que dit le développeur du programme :
A process’ working set is a collection of pages in the process’ address space that have been recently referenced. When a process is created, a working set is created with a default minimum (reserved) and maximum working set size (possible). It is possible for the application programmer to decide what the minimum and maximum working set for his process is but most leave it at default.

The working set grows (within the maximum limit) as the process starts working with more data. Windows does not shrink (not immediately) the working set when the process goes back to a state where it only requires a smaller working set.

What MemClean does is that it calls a function in the Windows process api to optimize the size of the working set by removing unused pages from it.

Donc je vous laisse l'essayer pour me dire si vous pensez qu'il améliore les choses pour vous ou pas, sachant qu'on dit que xp ou vista gèrent mieux la mémoire que les windows 95/98/ME et n'ont pas besoin de ce type de programme.

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