Portable WSCC - Sysinternals Control Center

Publié par danee le 07/01/2010 12:46:03
Portable WSCC - Sysinternals Control Center


Portable WSCC - Sysinternals Control Center description

View, execute and organize the utilities from the Windows Sysinternals Suite.
WSCC is a useful software that helps you to view, execute and organize the tools from the Windows Sysinternals Suite.

WSCC is only an interface, you need to download and install Windows Sysinternals Suite separately. Alternatively, WSCC can work with the Sysinternals Live service provided by Microsoft.

WSCC uses the included WSCC Console to execute command line applications.
WSCC is portable, installation is not required. Extract the content of the downloaded zip archive to any directory on your computer.

· Windows Sysinternals Suite

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