Re: Comment jouer un son mp3 dans un fichier .bat.

Publié par mec_sympa le 18/01/2021 17:59:53
pourquoi ne pas utiliser 1by1 (196 Ko en 64 bits) :

1by1 "fichier mp3" /hide

Citation :
Command line options
Usage: 1by1.exe <audio file / folder / Cue sheet / playlist> <options>
Resume on start options:
/r Resume the last track and position
/rt Play the last track from the beginning
/rd Play the last directory from the beginning (depending on how it is sorted)

Other options:
/close Close the program after playing one track
/hide Hide the window and enable the Systray icon
/enqueue Enqueue the given file to the playlist view
/newinst Start a new instance ignoring the "Only one instance" setting
/localini Don't store the settings in the user profile

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