Quick Clipboard Editor (QCE) est un éditeur du presse-papier très puissant. Il vous donne un accès direct au texte du presse-papiers, ce qui vous permet d'apporter rapidement les modifications dont vous avez besoin avant de le coller dans votre application cible.
Fonctions principales
Quick Clipboard Editor (QCE) est un éditeur Windows GRATUIT. Il vous donne un accès direct au texte du presse-papiers, ce qui vous permet d'apporter rapidement les modifications dont vous avez besoin avant de le coller dans votre application cible :
- faire des retouches rapides au texte
- récupérer des clips dans l'historique du presse-papiers
- rechercher et remplacer (avec possibilité d'utiliser des expressions régulières)
- insérer du nouveau contenu sur chaque ligne
- couper les sections de lignes non désirées
- conserver ou supprimer des lignes ou des caractères en fonction de divers critères
- trier selon toutes sortes de critères
- changer la casse d'un texte ou d'une partie de texte
- convertir le texte pour divers besoins de codage (URL, HTML, XML, PHP, AHK, binaire Base64, etc.)
- ouvrir et enregistrer du texte dans l'éditeur depuis/vers un fichier avec différents formats d'encodage et de fin de ligne ;
- sauvegarder/restaurer le contenu binaire du presse-papiers sur le disque ;
- récupérer les commandes sauvegardées pour les tâches fréquentes
Version portable
https://clipboard.quickaccesspopup.com ... /quickclipboardeditor.zipLogiciel opensource sous licence Apache Version 2.0
Changementsv 3.0
https://youtu.be/PTBh4cDVQJ4 - SCINTILLA EDITOR INTEGRATION: Introduction of the Scintilla editor component (used in many popular text editors, including Notepad++ and SciTE), replacing the basic Windows editor, offering advanced text editing capabilities.
- MULTIPLE SELECTIONS AND RECTANGLES: Support for multiple non-contiguous selections (Ctrl+Click) and rectangular selections (Alt+Click). The following operations are applied to all selected areas: Change Case, Substring, Insert String, Filter Lines, Filter Characters, Reformat paragraph, Convert text (all encode and decode commands), Find/Replace, File Save, Convert Colors and Convert Numbers.
- MULTI-TYPING: Typing in multiple selections or vertical selections (Shift+Alt+Up/Down) to insert or delete text in multiple locations at once.
- LINE MANIPULATION: Ability to move lines up (Shift+Ctrl+Up) or down (Shift+Ctrl+Down), even with word wrap enabled.
- TAB WIDTH: Option to set the tab width.
- INDENTATION GUIDES: Visual vertical lines indicating indentation levels.
- AUTO-INDENTATION: Automatic indentation of new lines based on the previous line's indentation.
- INVISIBLE CHARACTER DISPLAY: Ability to view invisible characters while editing text.
- ACTIVE LINE HIGHLIGHTING: Option to highlight the line containing the caret.
- SELECTION LENGTH IN STATUS BAR: Display of the length of the current text selection, including multiple selections, in the status bar.
- FIND: new options "Backwards", "Whole word" and "Regular expression"
- FIND AND REPLACE: new options "Replace All", "Whole word" and "Regular expression"
- WELCOME WINDOW: Introduction of a welcome window on first launch with options for initial basic and power user setups, and to set initial maximum database disk space.
- THEME SELECTION: Replacement of the "Dark mode support" checkbox with radio buttons for "Light," "Dark," and "Follow Windows" themes. Note: QCE menus are controlled only by Windows themes.
- FONT AND COLOR OPTIONS: Redesigned "Fonts and colors" section with color selection for the line number column. These colors are used only when syntax highlighting is disabled (when syntax highlighting is enabled, the editor colors are set using the XML files under the "...\Themes\" folder).
- STARTUP OPTIONS: Options under "Launch" section to open the editor window and/or history search window at startup.
- PINNED CLIPS: new "Pin" button in the editor window to display the "Pinned clips"; left-click this button to open the menu and *paste* the selected clip at the caret position in the editor; right-click the button to open the menu and *edit* the selected clip (replacing existing content of the editor); both text, multi-format and image clips can be pinned
- REFRESH LINK IN HISTORY SEARCH: Link to refresh the search results in the history window (also with F5 hotkey).
- ALWAYS ON TOP OPTION: Option to toggle the "Always on top" property for the history search window.
- SETTINGS in ini file (not in "Options" dialog box) to change default colors for caret, selection and indentation, also used only when syntax highlighting is disabled.
- HELP DIALOG REDESIGN: Redesign of the "Help, Shortcut Help" dialog box.
- MULTIPLE SELECTION IN QUICK PASTE: Ability to select and paste or delete multiple clips in the Quick Paste window.
- IMAGE HANDLING IMPROVEMENTS: Fixes for image display sizing (especially with screen scaling) and delays to prevent empty images when loading from history.
- CLIPBOARD OPTIMIZATION: Optimization for handling asynchronous clipboard data transfers (applications writing to the Clipboard with delayed rendering); delayed rendering allows applications writing to the Clipboard to delay the generation of the content for a time-consuming format until it is requested by an application; this makes more complex the code to get the full Clipboard size or content.
- HANDLING LARGE CLIPS: Preservation of current editor content when a clip exceeds the maximum size.
- Preparing the ground for integration with Quick Access Popup, allowing to insert QCE commands in your QAP menu. Other apps could also use these messaging commands.
- COMMAND LIST RETRIEVAL: Ability to send a list of command categories (with descriptions), built-in commands, and saved commands to a calling application.
- "COPY" COMMAND WITH TIMEOUT: New receiver command "Copy" with an optional timeout to wait for clipboard data.
- Various bug fixes, including issues with pasting multiple clips and SQLite errors when launching QCE in portable mode.
- Minor internal changes and optimizations.
- Spell checker feature has been removed in v3.
- Some hotkeys of QCE v2 has been changed in this release in order to give priority to established Scintilla hotkeys.
- Filter characters: Ctrl+D changed to Shift+Ctrl+D (in Scintilla editor, Ctrl+D is Selection Duplicate)
- Filter lines: Ctrl+L changed to Shift+Ctrl+L (in Scintilla editor, Ctrl+L is Line Cut)
- Sort with options: Ctrl+T changed to Shift+Ctrl+S (in Scintilla editor, Ctrl+T is Line Transpose)
- Close window: Esc key changed for Ctrl+F4 (in Scintilla editor, Esc is use to deselect multiple selections)
- In "File, Open File", the option to load the file directly to the Clipboard has been removed (user can hit the "Copy" button instead)
https://clipboard.quickaccesspopup.com ... d-quick-clipboard-editor/