Ce logiciel permet de gérer l'affichage des arrières-plans du bureau quand on possède plusieurs moniteurs. Il permet d'appliquer des arrières-plans différents sur chaque écran et de défnir des cycles d'affichages différents. Il peut appliquer un fond d'écran sur l'ensemble des moniteurs aussi.
Le logiciel est opensource sous licence Creative Commons.
Verison 2.0 Revision 2:
[-] Fixed several critical autocycling bugs (related Bug-Tracker-IDs: 3096271, 3098180).
[-] Fixed a bug causing an unhandled exception when a update server was unreachable.
[-] Fixed a bug causing to show error dialogs on update checking during application startup.
Version 2.0 Revision 1:
[+] Added the link to Wallpaper Manager's source forge page to the about window.
[-] Fixed a bug causing renaming of wallpapers in Synchronized Folders not taking effect in the wallpaper list.
[-] Fixed a bug causing the Drag & Drop feature work incorrectly with Synchronized Folders.
[-] Fixed a few bugs related to the Main Window's overlay icon.
[-] Fixed several small bugs.
Version 2.0:
[+] This project is now open source.
[+] Improved the auto update function to support multiple update servers now.
[*] Ported to .NET Framework 4.0.
[*] Updated the skin of the Main- and About Window.
[*] Lots of internal code cleanup.
[-] Fixed a bug causing the auto update to be canceled when the system had been rebooted due the bootstrapper installation.
[-] Fixed a bug causing assigned single click actions of the tray icon to execute even on right clicks.
[-] Fixed a bug causing the "Show Wallpaper Manager" menu of the tray icon to execute the double click action instead of showing the main window for some system configurations.
[-] Fixed a bug causing the single and double click action to be executed when performing a double click on the tray icon for some system configurations.
[-] Fixed a bug causing a read error on rational font size values of Wallpaper Overlay Texts.
[-] Fixed several small bugs.